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FilmJax - Permits



The City of Jacksonville requires a permit when filming on public property. This permit is free of charge but must be submitted at least ten (10) business days prior to filming. Submit a Film Permit Application.

Productions filming on public property must carry a minimum of $1 million liability insurance and $100,000 workers compensation. In addition to the permit, a certificate of insurance must be on file with the film commission. Specific language must be included on the certificate.  Important requirements below.

Sample certificate of liability insurance
Sample Workers Comp Exemption letter

Important Requirements for your Certificate of General Liability Insurance:

  • List the location(s), address(es) & date(s) in the Description of Operations, Locations section.
  • List "City of Jacksonville it's members, officials, officers, employees and agents are listed as additional insured with regards to all policies" within the Description of Operations box.
  • Provide ‘waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Jacksonville, its members, officials, officers, employees, and agents'. Also note the ‘X’ marked on the attached ‘Sample-Reference Cert.’ in the General Liability, Automobile Liability, Workers Compensation and Aircraft Liability section just under ‘SUBR WVD’. 
  • All insurance shall be primary and non-contributory.
  • Provide Workers Compensation coverage if the company employs 4 or more employees & list in the Description of Operations box: "Workers Compensation benefits are applicable in the State of Florida" and include the date(s) of photo shoot, OR
  • If company employs less than 4 staff, the company is required to submit a signed letter by an authorized company representative on company letterhead stating: the business (name) has less than four (4) employees and are exempt from Workers Compensation. See attached ‘Workers Comp. Sample Reference’ letter as reference. 

The City of Jacksonville requires a road closure permit for any production that interferes with the normal flow of traffic.  This requirement includes intermittent closure, hold and release traffic and total road closure.

All productions filming in residential neighborhoods are advised to notify the neighborhood associations and to leaflet the neighborhood.  All permits, location and policy requests must come through the City of Jacksonville's Film & Television Office.

Requirements for Filming with Drones (UAS - unmanned aircraft system)

FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Regulations & Policies
Summary of the Small UAS Rule (Part 107) (PDF) 
Where to Fly

Some restrictions include:

Incentives and Financial Information

In addition to our climate and varied locations, there are financial incentives to film in Florida.

Any qualified production company producing motion pictures, made for television motion pictures, television series, commercial advertising, music videos or sound recordings in Florida, may be eligible for a sales and use tax exemption on certain production related purchases in Florida.

Learn more about various tax advantages and exemptions, travel and lodging discounts and other incentives available when you bring your production to our state.  For more information, visit  Legislative updates regarding the Florida Entertainment Industry Economic Development Act are available on www.

The City of Jacksonville requires a permit when filming on public property. This permit is free of charge but must be submitted at least ten (10) business days prior to filming. Submit a Film Permit Application.

Productions filming on public property must carry a minimum of $1 million liability insurance and $100,000 workers compensation. In addition to the permit, a certificate of insurance must be on file with the film commission. Specific language must be included on the certificate.  Important requirements below.

Sample certificate of liability insurance
Sample Workers Comp Exemption letter

Important Requirements:

  • List the location(s), address(es) & date(s) in the Description of Operations, Locations section
  • List "City of Jacksonville it's members, officials, officers, employees and agents are listed as additional insured with regards to all policies" within the Description of Operations box.
  • Provide ‘waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Jacksonville, its members, officials, officers, employees, and agents'. Also note the ‘X’ marked on the attached ‘Sample-Reference Cert.’ in the  General Liability, Automobile Liability, Workers Compensation and Aircraft Liability section just under ‘SUBR WVD’. 
  • All insurance shall be primary and non-contributory.
  • Provide Workers Compensation coverage if the company employs 4 or more employees & list in the Description of Operations box: "Workers Compensation benefits are applicable in the State of Florida" and include the date(s) of photo shoot, OR
  • If company employs less than 4 staff, the company is required to submit a signed letter by an authorized company representative on company letterhead stating: the business (name) has less than four (4) employees and are exempt from Workers Compensation. See attached ‘Workers Comp. Sample Reference’ letter as reference. 

The City of Jacksonville requires a road closure permit for any production that interferes with the normal flow of traffic.  This requirement includes intermittent closure, hold and release traffic and total road closure.

All productions filming in residential neighborhoods are advised to notify the neighborhood associations and to leaflet the neighborhood.  All permits, location and policy requests must come through the City of Jacksonville's Film & Television Office.

Requirements for Filming with Drones (UAS - unmanned aircraft system)

FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Regulations & Policies
Summary of the Small UAS Rule (Part 107) (PDF) 
Where to Fly

Some restrictions include:

Incentives and Financial Information

In addition to our climate and varied locations, there are financial incentives to film in Florida.

Any qualified production company producing motion pictures, made for television motion pictures, television series, commercial advertising, music videos or sound recordings in Florida, may be eligible for a sales and use tax exemption on certain production related purchases in Florida.

Learn more about various tax advantages and exemptions, travel and lodging discounts and other incentives available when you bring your production to our state.  For more information, visit  Legislative updates regarding the Florida Entertainment Industry Economic Development Act are available on
Contact Us: (904) 255-5434
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